Word on the Facebook street is many of you have received your copies of Negative Split. I am thrilled and humbled people actually took a chance on my first novel. With the crazy busy-ness December can bring, I certainly understand if now actually reading my little story is not at the top of your priority list. Once you do get around to reading it, I hope you will take the time to leave a review. Reviews are one of the keys to building an audience beyond the curious friends and family circle.
If you purchased from Amazon, they usually remind you. Just keep an eye on your email. If you purchased a signed copy from me directly, I’m not 100% sure if Amazon will allow you to leave a review there. I hope they will, so please try. However, if Amazon gives you a hard time about not being a verified buyer, you can leave a review on my author site. (I’ll include these links at the end.)
I know leaving reviews are a pain, especially if it turns out you don’t really like the book and are just trying to say something nice. In that case, maybe I’ll forgive you for not leaving a review. 🙂 However, some of those honest non-five star reviews probably give a little more validity to the review process. So, don’t be afraid to give a lower star review. People tend to be suspicious of reviews that glow too much, but don’t everybody go giving me one star, either.
Unfortunately, leaving a review might give you flashbacks to those old grammar school book report days when the teacher called on you to stand in front of the class and give your report. Yeah, not too many people remember those days fondly.

Photo Credit: Dave’s Domain Flickr via Compfight cc
I’ll confess, the only part I liked about book reports was drawing a picture of a potential book cover or a scene from the book for the report. (Crayons + manila construction paper = fond memories.)
Another confession: as much as I read, I rarely give reviews. Bad Greg. Add that to the 2017 resolution list.
One reason we don’t give reviews is we don’t know where to start. So to help out all of us, I did some research on writing book reviews and found a template from a blog by Lesley Ann McDaniels that might be helpful:
You don’t have to follow this by the letter, of course, but maybe it will help get your review wheels turning.
Lesley Ann’s Fiction Book Review Template:
Opening statement: Include title, genre, and author.
Synopsis: Include main characters and brief overview of main plot. Be careful not to give away too much!
Overall impression: This is where you give your personal impression of the book.
Suggested points to include:
Were the characters credible?
What problems did the main characters encounter?
Who was your favorite character, and why?
Could you relate to any of the characters in the story?
What was your favorite part of the book?
Do you have a least favorite part of the book?
If you could change something, what would it be? (If you wish you could change the ending, don’t reveal it!)
Would you recommend this book?
What type of reader would enjoy this book?
Here’s an example:
South Carolina and the world lost writing legend Pat Conroy this year. And while new comer South Carolina author Greg Fowler won’t be mistaken for a Pat Conroy replacement, his first novel, Negative Split, is a solid start for a rookie. Negative Split is the story of romance novelist Nathan Stiles, who struggles with several mid-life crises. Anyone who’s gone through the threat of divorce, loss of a job, or life not really turning out the way he or she planned will be able to relate to Nathan. The author does a decent job of exploring a student-mentor relationship between Nathan and his old high school cross country coach (and my favorite character) Willie Silvers. While this novel is listed as contemporary romance, anyone who enjoys a comeback story will enjoy this. It’s definitely not just for women.
Or you could just say: Wow. Didn’t expect that from new novelist, Greg Fowler. Can’t wait for his next book.
Anything you care to leave will be appreciated.
To leave an Amazon review (or purchase), go to the Write a Customer Review button at the bottom of this page: http://a.co/2GMNKMa
To leave a review on my author site: http://gregfowlerauthor.com/product/negative-split-autographed-copy/
Thank you,