Transparent Tuesday: May-cember

There’s a new meme going around this month. Maybe it’s not new, but I don’t recall seeing it in years past. Here it is:



I’ve seen it shared mostly by my teacher friends since May is undoubtedly their craziest month. Sure, December is hype with Christmas looming, but, everything comes to a head in May, trying to wrap up the year with exams, concerts, sports playoffs, and end of the year parties. Those of us living with teachers and students are certainly aware of their added anxiety and desire to be done!

As a non-teacher, non-student, May has been pretty busy for me as well. There’s been the added yard work now that the grass has taken off (why did I fertilize?), and my annual battle with unwanted vines and trees (curses, you sweetgum weed trees!) has begun.

On the positive side, frequent after-dinner trips for ice cream, disguised as “driving lessons”, have also become a thing as the new driver in the family desires to improve her skills. Fortunately, there has been a significant improvement in this department since the first few laps around the high school parking lot in March. We still haven’t ventured onto the interstate, though. No need to totally lose my mind in May!

I bring up May-cember to make my first of many Transparent Tuesday excuses! I did not have a good week on the writing front, as I tended to other parts of life. I did land a few new subscribers but far short of my goal of 25. I did a bit of outline work, though, but no actual writing. It can happen when ice cream calls!

The question now is how do I put the ship back on course? First, I need to make sure I have realistic goals for the week. Then I need to work on establishing a better routine to meet those goals. I had no trouble meeting the running goals for the week, but much of that was done before sunrise, which fits well with the current routine.

Here are my less aggressive goals for this week:

  • Four new subscribers
  • Continue outlining
  • 500 new words written
  • Outline two chapters for dictation

The picture below shows my planning board for Out of Tune. Each Notecard or Post-It note represents a chapter of the book.

Mapping the Novel

Mapping the Novel

Have a good week!

Thanks for reading,




PS – Reminder that Negative Split is available for FREE at

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